Monday, November 17, 2008

Oh, Sweet Revenge You've Lied Again

Revenge is bad news. It wasn't a good thing in Hamlet's 'time' and it isn't today either. It is wrong to pursue because it's not our job as humans to seek revenge. When we try to seek revenge it's because we are still holding a grudge against someone or something. Wanting revenge keeps us chained up. The only way to get free is through forgiveness, not by getting revenge.
If Hamlet had completely refused forgiving his uncle as an option, it would've been ok for him to just prove to everyone the truth about his uncle by putting on that play then calling him out about it. I understand that Hamlet was extremely upset over the loss of his father but it was not right for him to take matters into his own hands by killing his uncle. He should have only exposed him and let the law take over. And look what happened in the end. Hamlet got his revenge and still nothing good came out of it.
I also think it's especially wrong that revenge is encouraged in our sports teams. By putting up a huge sign that says "revenge" in our hallways it's telling kids that's ok. It is not ok and it shouldn't be taught, promoted, or accepted.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

America Got It Wrong

I resent this question.
Yesterday I voted for John McCain and Sarah Palin on my 18th birthday. I had a wonderful birthday until about 10:00p.m. when FOX announced Barack Obama as the winner of the presidential election. This is the worst thing that could possibly happen to our country. And it's our country's fault. I was very upset and had been trying not to think about it, but since this is the blog starter, here we go...
Obama didn't want to talk about race during the campaign, but now that's all I've heard. We elected this man President because he is a black man. That must be the reason because I know America didn't choose him for his perfect plans and policies. He likes socialism, which is just mild communism. I prefer to distribute my own wealth, thank you. Basically what it all comes down to is this. I don't trust Barack Obama. He does not have good character. He does not have experience. He doesn't even have a good vice president who believes in him and can guide him through his presidency without shooting off at the mouth ignorant words without thinking.
Good character makes good leaders. That is why I voted for John McCain and still support him. He of all people deserved to be President.
But none of this matters now. There's nothing else I can do about this, but pray. And I have decided to pray for Obama's presidency. The end of the world could be near, or God could just change him and work this tragedy for good, like I trust Him to do.
